educational business seminars | San Francisco Symp.

This film was shot in San Francisco back in 1996! It was Awarded a Golden Telly Statuette for best Educational video!
Over 175 people attended the Symposium from five west coast states! This Symposium covered 10 Topics on the art, design and creation of themes: Wine and Fancy Food Gifts!
As the attendee entered the Symposium Ballroom of the World Famous San Francisco Palace Hotel they were greeted with over 35 different Gifts and Gift Designs and Gift Baskets
priced from $250 down to $25, from a Money Tree, to five foot Disney Jungle Story Gift! Many attendees who had cameras took many photos of the Gifts on display!
The topics ranged from: Goal Setting, Welcome and in Store Reception, Product Themes, Product Presentation, Advertising, Marketing, Mark –Up, Barter, Theme Design, Gift Creation,
Gift Construction, Gift Packaging and Staff Management! And finally the Dynamics of You!
The cost was $149 to attend this 4 hour Symposium! Critic sheets stated that it was one of the Best Business Symposium that attendees had sat in on!
This Video cost $15,000 to pre-shoot, rent the Ballroom, hire a local video crew in San Francisco to shoot the Symposium and then to edit the 5 hours of Video tape down to 2 hours!