our lifetime story

Telly Video Award Winner
As President of Five Star Motion Picture Productions I started my company back in 1987!
The Video Industry was just in the early stages of birth! The cameras were huge and the quality of the film was poor
but nowhere near where it is today! I created my first 120 minute movie back in 1987! That was a long time ago! Today,
digital cameras are very small and have the highest HD Quality of picture! Let me tell you about my business! Over
the years I have been presented with five different Video Industry Awards for Broadcast Excellence from the leading
Video and Film Industry of America!
Over 85% of my films are 120 minutes in duration! Today, the average film is 17 minutes! So I script, I produce, I
direct and I in some cases host many of my films that I make! Over the years I have partnered with IMS-TV, one of
the Delaware Valley's leading National TV and Film Studios! We have partnered with IMS-TV for over 20 years! They
have what it takes to create a professional film that looks as if it were created in Hollywood!
They have over 6,000 square feet of studio space with over $500,000 worth of computer, editing and film equipment. Today, Hollywood movies are shot in about 60 to 70 days! That gives them about 80 hours of finished shooting film that must be edited down to a 120 minute movie!
today, creating your lifetime story of 30 minutes will take our staff of four people about 30 to 35 hours or about one minute of film shot per one hour of studio time! why is it so time intensive?
there are nine stages of movie making!
- First, gather a year by year sequence of all of your photos!
- Second, we write a script of about 300 to 700 words!
- Third, we create a story board book of your life scene by scene!
- Fourth, we must now digitally knit each scene together!
- Fifth, we take your 100 photos and scan them into the movie making computer!
Each scan takes about 2 minutes! That takes 3.5 hours alone! - Sixth, we take the script and voice over and match them!
- Seventh, we must knit each scene together and match the photos!
- Eight, we knit it into your lifetime story with back ground music!
Now we have your lifetime story and now you can show and tell all of your family and friends about it! Twenty years from
now when your family looks at their history your great grandchildren will know who you are and what you did on Earth!
Hosting Your Own Hollywood Style Red Carpet Party to Celebrate you, and your families lives!
When we are finished I will present you and your family with an Oscar Statuette! Now you can raise your OSCAR Statuette over your
head with your flute of Champagne at your Red Carpet Party for you and your family and friends! Because now you can really