five star movie production performance agreement

324 Knoll Rd. Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
T: 610-331-3863
Below you will find the step-by-step methods of how a movie is produced and created into a finished Motion Picture for viewing! Also, below are
our Standard Production Fees for your Lifetime Movie! Most people want to know why Movie making is so expensive. There are over 1200 elements
involved in making a professionally finished Movie!
The first process contains the detailed search and gathering of all of the elements to be used in the Movie! Such as all of the letters, photos,
news clippings, press releases and old film footage from many years gone by! Once all of this information is gathered it must be viewed and then
be placed into a second-by-second, minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, day-by-day and year by year sequence that begins to tell the story of that
individuals Lifetime or the family’s Lifetime on Earth!
creating the screenplay!
Now we must begin the writing process of a narrative script that will be a map and the track of the film, which will match the photos that you will view! All of that must be written then typed up into the story line! That will run anywhere from 400 to 2,500 words. Now we must scan each photo and place them in the computer in a chronological order so that they match each spoken line! Now we are ready to begin the process of making the Movie by building the text and the spoken word around the photos on the screen! Now we select the right music as a background to give the movie the energy it need’s! Last of all we must go back in and make sure that all the words are correct and all of the photos are correct, plus it must have the proper use of grammar! This is no small undertaking! Making movies is very time intensive! The finished production will be looked on in years to come as truly a Great Family Treasure and Keepsake!
standard production fees
Title | Running Time | Narration | Total Production Time | Fee |
Copper | 20 minutes | 20 minutes | 12 – 15 hours | $995.00 |
Chromium | 25 minutes | 25 minutes | 20 - 25 hours | $1,995.00 |
Opal | 30 minutes | 30 minutes | 25 – 30 hours | $3,095.00 |
Ruby | 35 minutes | 35 minutes | 35 - 40 hours | $3,595.00 |
Pearl | 40 minutes | 40 minutes | 40 - 45 hours | $3,995.00 |
Bronze | 45 minutes | 45 minutes | 45 - 50 hours | $4,595.00 |
Sliver | 50 minutes | 50 minutes | 50 - 55 hours | $4,995.00 |
Gold | 60 minutes | 60 minutes | 60 - 65 hours | $5,995.00 |
Platinum | 75 minutes | 75 minutes | 75 - 90 hours | $7,995.00 |
Diamond | 90 minutes | 90 minutes | 90 - 100 hours | $9,595.00 |
Terms: Once the performance agreement is signed a 40% deposit will begin the movie making process. In 30 days after the signing
another 30% payment will be needed and the balance of 30% of the outstanding value on delivery of the completed Movie and the return of all the
families photos and text! Credit Cards are welcome! Visa, Master Card & American Express or Personal Checks!
The undersigned _______________________agrees to pay the sum of $________________ to to script, create and produce a Movie of
their choice! Upon completion of the Movie the buyer will make the final payment of
$__________ to!
It is agreed that once the script is written and the photos are selected any changes in the production schedule will bring on extra fees for
services added!
Signed, Thomas Catanese, ________________________CEO,