the lifetime memorial tribute movie

What will you pass on to the most important people you LOVE in your life? You will leave them with many
special and personal possessions. You will pass on wealth. You may pass on real estate, but will you pass on a true record of your
lifetime journey. Will you pass on all those years of special memories of you growing up, marrying your spouse, having children
and grandchildren.
Did you ever tell your children how you met your spouse and how you fell in love? I am sure that you have stories about your
life that they don’t know about. Did you ever share with them how
you decided to discover your career path for your new life and
Would you like to pass on all the beautiful values that you have held special in your life? Respect, Honor, Integrity, Courage and Faith.
All the stories about how your grandparents had an arranged marriage. My great grandfather was 6’3” and back then that was tall.
But my great grandmother was only 5’ 4”. She was a baby factory. She had 12 children, 3 died early. How does a parent bury 3 children?
Coming though Ellis Island in New York Harbor they said that the clothes on their backs were their only possessions. Lucky they had
relatives that came to Battery Park to meet and pick them up. They were in a new city and did not know anyone. My great grandmother said it
was very scary. You did not know who to trust. We had very little money when we came over from our country. Crossing the Atlantic Ocean was
not an easy trip. They were in the bottom of the ship, it was called steerage. It was near the engine room. The babies were all crying
because of the noise. Many people were sea sick and they were throwing up all over the place. Your grandparents and your parents had to go
through the depression. Thousands of Americas were very hungry.
It was sad; it was a shame that many families and friends passed on without passing along many of life’s lessons. They saved
their children and grandchildren the heart break they experienced. They did not spend the time to do that; pass on the many lifetime
secrets that they held on to during their lives. You and your parents helped built this country. You made it what it is today. No
matter what your job was you were one of the tiny strands of thread that make up the American flag. If I came to your home I would guess
that you have about eight to ten photo albums of pictures of grandparent’s, parents, family and friends. Those photos tell the
story of your famil's lifetime. But they lay flat inside a photo album. I would like to create a living history of your entire family's life.
This family movie will inspire your younger generations with your real human values, like faith in God, the Golden Rule, do unto
others. Remember that we can also use all those old photos before they spoil. Plus the old film footage of your wedding day and
other special days in your lifetime. We want to make you and your family the stars in your own lifetime movie! Now all of your future
namesake’s will know who you are and what you had accomplished in your life time! For every life is important, every life has a story
behind it. Your life should be a great tribute and testimony to your family's heritage and lifetime legacy.