45 years of professional industry awards & credentials
Over my 45 years in both industries if you are doing what you should be doing then you should have a few Awards to show for it! One of my proudest moments that I recall was when I was given a Gold Medal for Life Time Achievement at Carnegie Hall in New York City back in 1998 by the International Fancy Food and Wine Industry! I recall that my father once told me that if a person got any kind of an Award at Carnegie Hall in New York City then you made it to the top of the hill! That rates as my best! Being invited to address and present my National Sales, Marketing and Gift Design Symposium in Paris and in London must also rank up at the top also! If these International Industries invite you to speak at their Expo’s you had better have something new to say or you can go home! Here I am pictured with five Movie Industry and Video Industry Awards that were presented to me for my best five two hour Movies that I had created, produced and directed over the last 25 years!